NEVER EVER Kitchen Schmidt Marbella again

Info about manners of the Business Kitchen Schmidt Marbella:
much bungling - after 1 year not completed - breach of contract!

If you have similar problems with this company, please write me - THANKS.

Here are all informations of the Company Kitchen Schmidt Marbella:

Cocinas SCHMIDT Marbella     Calle Zinc, 3     Polig. Ind. La Ermita     E-29603 Marbella, España - Spain
Tel.: + 34 - 952 898 858     Fax: + 34 - 952 926 326     mobile phone: + 34 - 633 253 737

short summary:

08.04.2014   Order of the kitchen for an agreed price of 37.000 Euro
14.04.2014   Payment of a 20.000 Euro deposit

9 month only delivery of parts and quality problems. More money payed - only 4388 unpaid

15.01.2015   To deliver the missing parts, Kitchen Schmidt forced us to pay 3388 Euro, even though it would have been due AFTER delivery and installation.

30.03.2015   Kitchen Schmidt wanted the final payment of 1000 Euro before installation of all kitchen parts and repair of old installation damages - unlike our contract in whitch we made the deal that the final payment is due AFTER delivery and final installation. The firm owner Fernando Aragon himself announced he knew this demand is against our contract but he doesn`t care!

15.07.2015   The report of an judicially sworn expert confirmed the bungling. It even points at the forbidden constructional fault of the screwed skirting:
report of an judicially sworn expert.


2 years and 3 months after our order all bungling of the company Kitchen Schmidt Marbella could be eliminated.
Because of our internet publications the Central Kitchen Schmidt has instructed Kitchen Schmidt Mijas de Hogar to repair the bungling of Kitchen Schmidt Marbella.
Special thanks to Mr. Rafael Garcia of Kitchen Schmidt Mijas who has perfectly repaired everything.
Kitchen Schmidt Mijas is recommended and who goes to Kitchen Schmidt Marbella has to blame himself.
The cost for our lawyer and the expert opinions were not reimbursed.

November 2020:

Kitchens Schmidt Mijas finished another very exclusive kitchen with a lot of special requests. Corona unfortunately causes longer waiting times. In the end, however, everything is absolutely perfect down to the smallest details - many thanks to Mr. Rafael Garcia - but avoid the competition Cocinas SCHMIDT Marbella.

We think firm owner Fernando Aragon only wanted to get as much money as possible and never had in mind to make the final installations of our kitchen.
The installation of missing pieces was delayed even though it was reported that these pieces are in stock for months.
The remedy of defects was promised, but in months nobody came with the excuse to repair everything at once.
From our point of view they forced us to pay another 3388 Euro just to let us down with a for us worthless kitchen, after they got 36.000 out of 37.000 Euro.
They are relying upon a slow Spanish Court which will take up to 10 years for a final verdict.

Here are the open customer complains after an one-year-long kitchen installation:


at all 3 kitchen units: the seal rubber profiles between the baseboards and the floor are installed to high and water is abel to flow under the cabinets:
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch

north kitchen unit at the window:


two upper cabinet boards are gray instad of the ordered white color:
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch


on the side panel of the lower right cabinet is glue:
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch


one inside shelf of the left cabinet is broken:
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch


shiny stains at the matt finish of the countertop:
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch

the first countertops had to be exchanged because they were badly scratched:
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch


the upright side board on the east kitchen side should have been a board with an encased edge but instead they installed a board with an edge band - although they promised several times it would be a board with encased edge:
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch

kitchen unit in the middel:


rubbish bin cannot be opened fully and therefore it is not possibel to empty it. It was necessary to install another self-opperating rubbish bin:
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch


many open drill holes in the door and side panels where they tryed in vain to install the rubbish bin:
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch


sawed to slim and uneven
the back side of the baseboard is not sawed but ruptured
visibel and open power cable of LED
delivery of a new baseboard is promised for month
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch


some LED lights don`t work:
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch


hotplate is not steady and unsealed:
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch


the seal rubber profile between the dishwasher and the countertop is not wide enough. The gape between seal rubber profile and countertop is 2cm wide and the hot humid air of the dishwasher can flow under the board of the countertop. There the humidity will not only swell the wooden rear side of the countertop but destroy the whole countertop.
Therefore it is not possible to use the dishwasher:
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch


the seal rubber profile above (additional seal rubber profile for the 2cm space) plus seal rubber profile left and right of the dishwasher are missing and destructive steam can flow under the board of the countertop:
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch


labels are not removed and silicone is on many boards:
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch


one cutlery tray is totally missing:
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch


electrical outlets are not operating - although this was part of the contract:
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch


One of the high gloss boards looks total different like a bad homemade painting:
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch


To close the upright gap between the double door under the sink, they installed a transparent rabbet. Now the right door cannot be opened or closed any more because the installation was incorrect:
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch


visible back boards are not direktly linked to the countertop. The open space allows a good look through the whole cabinet:
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch

south kitchen unit at the blue tiles:


upright side board of the upper east cabinet is damaged on the top corner:
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch


the second cutlery- inlay is broken:
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch


the aluminium protective plates at fridge and freezer are dented:
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch


left upright seal rubber profile next to the fridge is not secured and on the right side the seal rubber profile is missing completely:
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch


freezer: left side seal rubber profile is missing completely:
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch


rubber and metal bar above fridge and freezer don`t have the same level because both devices are not installed symmetrically:
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch


the doors of fridge, freezer and broom cabinet are two-parted and have a gap between the upper and lower board. The cover on the inside to stop dust, is not installed - so dirt can get inside and you can look inside the cabinet and see two mergers:
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch


six ordered shelfs for the cabinet above fridge, freezer and broom cabinet had not been delivered:
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch


stopper is not fixed
2 damages on the cabinet ceiling
glue on the side cabinet-board
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch


not installed and not explained devices:
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch


At two elements they used a board with yellowish gray edge band instead of the normally used flashy white boards with round encased edges. The appearance of the kitchen is hightly affected!
Addionally one side board is damaged on the top corner and has to be exchanged:
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - botch


The skirting wrings for quite a few centimeters and therefor distorts respectively:
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - Skirting twists for several centimeters
Kitchen Schmidt Marbella - The skirting twists like a corkscrew

If you have similar problems with this company, please write me - THANKS.

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website of Gunar Mayer as private person
Lärchenstraße 14     85649 Brunnthal     Deutschland / Germany
Fax +49-8104-88899-24     sitemap     data protection

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The content of this website is the personal opinion of Mr. Gunar Mayer.
All information and data were carefully ascertained - confirmation reserved.
The contents are not checked regularly for changes - please take this into account.
Confirmation is reserved for everything, for example software error, etc. Errors, etc., are corrected immediately without advocate involvement and an affirmation of omission (no business management without appointment etc.).
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